Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sourpatch Kid


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Garbage Man

My happiest mornings on the bus (let's put aside, momentarily, the great question of whether "happy" and "bus" can go in the same sentence) are the mornings that I see the Garbage Man. He's not a city employee driving a big smelly truck. No, he's an adorable little old man with a slight stoop. I see him most mornings, dressed up in a suit and a raincoat, taking his morning constitutional. He's always carrying a small plastic bag and a little grabber, picking up stray trash wherever he sees it. He usually has a pretty full little bag. (I didn't think anyone littered any more. Silly me.)

I'm reminded of a show about The Nature Conservancy, which apparently owns an island somewhere near Seattle. A caretaker lives there in a driftwood cottage. One day, the caretaker looked outside and noticed a picnic table floating by the island. So he grabbed it and now he has a driftwood picnic table of sorts. Apparently people really do still litter.

Well, this post seems dumb and disjointed, but since I haven't written anything in a while, I'll leave it.